Are you looking for a smarter way to make your transactions more rewarding? A credit card may be just what you need. With a credit card, you can earn reward points on every transaction you make, from groceries to entertainment bookings. These credit card reward points can be redeemed for numerous benefits, such as merchandise, gift cards, or even cash credits against outstanding dues.
Some credit cards may offer bonus points for spending in particular categories like fuel or dining, allowing you to accumulate reward points faster. By strategically using your card, you can maximise these credit card rewards and make your daily spending more beneficial. To learn more about the advantages of credit cards with reward points, continue reading.
1) Earn while you spend
One of the major benefits of using credit cards with reward points is the ability to earn points on every transaction. These points can later be redeemed for a variety of benefits such as gift vouchers, discounts or even travel bookings. This means that every transaction you perform not only gets you the product or service you require but also adds to your reward points balance, enabling you to maximise the spending value.
2) Exclusive bonuses
Many credit cards provide exclusive bonus reward points when you meet specific spending milestones. For instance, you may earn add-on points if you spend a particular amount within a given time period. This can considerably enhance your reward points balance and offer you more benefits. These bonuses can often be redeemed for high-value services or items, making them an extremely valuable feature for frequent card users.
3) Travel perks and upgrades
Many credit cards provide travel-linked benefits that can enhance your travel experiences. Accumulated reward points can be redeemed for air miles, which can considerably lower the flight cost. Some credit cards also offer access to airport lounges, offering a comfortable space with amenities such as refreshments, Wi-Fi, and relaxation areas. Moreover, specific cards offer travel insurance, covering aspects such as lost luggage, trip cancellation, and medical exigencies while travelling.
4) Lifestyle and shopping benefits
Credit cards with reward points often partner with retailers and service providers to offer exclusive lifestyle and shopping benefits. These may include discounts at popular stores, special promotions on dining, cashback offers, and wellness services. These benefits can make your daily transactions more affordable and provide opportunities to enjoy luxury services at a lower cost.
Why opt for the IndusInd Bank Legend Credit Card?
The IndusInd Bank Legend Credit Card offers reward points on every transaction, enabling you to earn and redeem points for a wide range of benefits. With specialised bonus categories and exclusive offers, it is tailored to maximise your rewards with every purchase.
One of the features that stand out in this credit card is its unique contactless design, allowing convenient, fast, and secure daily purchases. Here are some of the crucial benefits of using this card that you must be aware of:
Reward points for spending | Earn one reward point on every ₹100 spent on weekdays and two reward points on every ₹100 spent on weekends |
Exclusive bonus rewards | Earn 4,000 bonus reward points on spending ₹6 lakh or more in a year |
Discounted foreign currency mark-up | 1.8% on foreign currency transactions on your primary and add-on credit cards |
Fuel surcharge waiver | Enjoy the benefit of zero additional charges on fuel transactions |
Ending note
Opting for a credit card can make your daily transactions more rewarding. On every credit card payment, you earn reward points. These reward points can be redeemed in various ways – merchandise, cash credit against outstanding dues, or gift cards.
Many cards offer bonus points for spending on particular categories, allowing you to accumulate higher reward points. Travel perks include redeeming reward points for air miles, access to airport lounges, and travel insurance. Lifestyle benefits feature reward points and discounts at popular stores, wellness centres, dining locations, etc.
By strategically and responsibly using your credit card, you can maximise your rewards and make your regular spending more beneficial, turning ordinary transactions into valuable ones.
So, do not wait any longer, apply for a credit card now to leverage these benefits!